Biology Mcqs XI [Variety of Life] MCQS Online Test - 2
Biology Aptitude Test. 19 More Questions from Chapter # 05 Variety of Life.Q5. Multicellular eukaryotes which feed heterotrophically by absorption are included in Kingdom:
Q6. Multicellular eukryotes which feed autotrophically by photosynthesis are included in Kingdom:
Q7. Multicellular eukaryotes which feed heterotrophically by ingestion are included in Kingdom:
Q8. L. Margulis and K. Schwartz modified the Whittaker's Protist Kingdom into anew Kingdom called:
Q9. According to modified system of classification, multicellular algae are now placed in Kingdom:
Q10. Which organisms appear to be on the border line between the living and non-living worlds?
Q14. “Virus could be transmitted from an infected organism to a healthy organism of the same kind”, this is discovered by:
Q19. The viruses that lack envelopes and act directly as mRNA after infecting a host cell are called:
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