13 August 2016

Muslim Boy Names with Meaning

Muslim Boy Names with Meaning

List of more than 1600 Muslim Boy Names with translation

SNBaby Names Baby Name Meanings
1Aaban Name of the Angel
2Aabid Worshiper
3Aadil Just, Upright
4Aahil Prince
5Aalam World
6Aalee Sublime, high
7Aalim Religious Scholar
8Aamil Doer, Work man
9Aamir Civilised
10Aaqib Follower
11Aaqil Intelligent
12Aarif Knowing, aware
13Aariz Respectable man
14Aaryan Of Utmost strength
15Aashif Bold, courageous
16Aashir Living
17Aasif An able minister
18Aasim Person who keeps away from sins
19Aatif Kind Affectionate
20Aaus Name of a tree
21Aayan God's gift
22Aazim Determined
23Abaan Old Arabic name
24Abbas Gloomy look
25Abd Al-Ala Slave of the High
26Abdul Aalee Servant of the Most High
27Abdul Adl Slave of the just
28Abdul Afuw Slave of the one who pardons
29Abdul Ahad Slave of he who is one (Allah)
30Abdul Aleem Servant of the Omniscient
31Abdul Ali Slave of the High one
32Abdul Alim Slave of the All knowing
33Abdul Awwal Slave of the First One
34Abdul Azeez The servant of the most powerful
35Abdul Azim Slave of the great
36Abdul Aziz Servant of the powerful one
37Abdul Baari Servant of the Creator
38Abdul Baasit Servant of the Extender and Creator
39Abdul Badee Slave of the originator
40Abdul Baith Slave of the one who raises death
41Abdul Baqi Slave of the Eternal
42Abdul Bari Slave of the creator
43Abdul Baseer Slave of the All-seeing
44Abdul Batin Slave of the unseen
45Abdul Fattah Slave of the opener, slave of the giver of victory
46Abdul Ghafaar Servant of the Forgiver
47Abdul Ghafoor Servant of the Forgiver
48Abdul Hafeez Slave of the Protector
49Abdul Hafiz Slave of the Guardian
50Abdul Hakam Servant of the Arbitrator
51Abdul Hakeem Servant of the Wise
52Abdul Haleem Servant of the Mild and Patient
53Abdul Halim Slave of the Wise
54Abdul Hameed Servant of the Praiseworthy and the Ever-Praised
55Abdul Hamid Slave of the Praiseworthy
56Abdul Hannan Slave of the Merciful
57Abdul Haq Servant of the Truth
58Abdul Haseeb Servant of the Respected and Esteemed
59Abdul Hasib Slave of the Reckoner
60Abdul Hayy Slave of the Living
61Abdul Jabaar Servant of the Mighty
62Abdul Jaleel Servant of the Great and Revered
63Abdul Jawwad Slave of the Bountiful
64Abdul Kabir Slave of the Great
65Abdul Kareem Servant of the Noble and Generous
66Abdul Karim Slave of the Gracious
67Abdul Khabir Slave of the one who is aware
68Abdul Lateef Servant of the Kind
69Abdul Maajid Slave of the Excellence
70Abdul Maalik Slave of the Master, the Lord
71Abdul Majeed Servant of the Glorious
72Abdul Mani Slave of one who prevents
73Abdul Mannan Slave of the Benefactor
74Abdul Mateen Slave of the Firm
75Abdul Mubdee Slave of the Originator
76Abdul Mueed Slave of the Restorer, the Reproducer
77Abdul Muhaimin Servant of the Supervising, the Guardian and the Protector
78Abdul Muhaymin Slave of the Protector
79Abdul Muhsin Slave of the Benefactor
80Abdul Muhyee Slave of the one who gives life and sustains it
81Abdul Muiz Servant of the Giver of Might and Glory
82Abdul Mujeeb Servant of the Responder
83Abdul Munim Slave of the Generous
84Abdul Muntaqim Slave of him who punishes wrongdoings and seizes retribution
85Abdul Muqeet Slave of the Sustainer
86Abdul Muqsit Slave of the Just
87Abdul Musawwir Slave of the Fashioner
88Abdul Mutaal Servant of the Most High
89Abdul Muti Slave of the Giver
90Abdul Muzanni He was a narrator of Hadith
91Abdul Nafi Slave of the Propitious
92Abdul Naseer Slave of the Helper
93Abdul Noor Slave of the one who is Light
94Abdul Qaadir Servant of the Capable
95Abdul Qadeer Slave of the Powerful
96Abdul Qadir Slave of the Powerful
97Abdul Qahaar Servant of the Subduer and the Almighty
98Abdul Qayyum Slave of the Self-Subsistent
99Abdul Qudoos Servant of the Most Holy
100Abdul Raafi Servant of the One Who Raises (intellect, esteem), One who Elevates
101Abdul Rabb Slave of the Lord
102Abdul Rafi Slave of the Exalter
103Abdul Raheem Servant of the Most Compassionate
104Abdul Rahim Slave of the Compassionate
105Abdul Rahman Servant of the merciful one
106Abdul Raqib Slave of the Vigilant
107Abdul Rauf Servant of the merciful
108Abdul Tawwab Slave of the Acceptor of repentance, the relenting
109Abdul Waali Slave of the Governor
110Abdul Wahid Slave of the Unique
111Abdul Wajid Slave of the Finder, the Perceiver
112Abdul Wakil Slave of the Trustee
113Abdul Waliy Slave of the Protecting Friend
114Abdul Wasi Slave of the All Embracing
115Abdul-Aalee Servant of the Most High
116Abdul-Adheem Servant of the Most Great
117Abdul-Aleem Servant of the All-Knowing
118Abdul-Baaqi Servant of the Everlasting
119Abdul-Baari Servant of the Evolver
120Abdul-Baasit Servant of the Expander
121Abdul-Barr Servant of the source of Goodness
122Abdul-Dhahir Servant of the Manifest
123Abdul-Ghaffar Servant of the forgiver
124Abdul-Ghafur Servant of the All-Forgiving
125Abdul-Ghani Servant of the Self-Sufficient
126Abdul-Hadi Servant of the Guide
127Abdul-Hafeedh Servant of the Preserver
128Abdul-Hakeem Servant of the Wise
129Abdul-Haleem Servant of the Forbearing One
130Abdul-Hameed Servant of the Praiseworthy
131Abdul-Haqq Servant of the Truth
132Abdul-Haseeb Servant of the Reckoner
133Abdul-Jabbar Servant of the Compeller
134Abdul-Jaleel Servant of the Sublime One
135Abdul-Kareem Servant of the Most Generous
136Abdul-Khaliq Servant of the Creator
137Abdul-Lateef Servant of the Subtle One
138Abdul-Majeed Servant of the Most Glorious
139Abdul-Majid Servant of the Noble
140Abdul-Malik Servant of the Sovereign Lord
141Abdul-Mu'eid Servant of the Restorer
142Abdul-Mu'izz Servant of the Honourer
143Abdul-Mughni Servant of the Enricher
144Abdul-Mujeeb Servant of the Responsive
145Abdul-Mumin Servant of the Guardian of Faith
146Abdul-Muqtadir Servant of the Powerful
147Abdul-Muta'alee Servant of the Most Exalted
148Abdul-Nur Servant of the Light
149Abdul-Qaadir Servant of the Able
150Abdul-Qahhar Servant of the Subduer
151Abdul-Qaiyoum Servant of the Self-Sustaining
152Abdul-Quddus Servant of the Holy
153Abdul-Rasheed Servant of the rightly guided
154Abdul-Rashid Servant of the rightly guided
155Abdul-Waajid Servant of the Finder
156Abdul-Wadood Servant of the Loving
157Abdul-Wahhab Servant of the Bestower
158Abdul-Warith Servant of the Supreme Inheritor
159Abdullah Servant of Allah
160Abdur Rahman Slave of Allah
161Abdur Rashid Slave of the Guide
162Abdur Razzaq Slave of the provider;
163Abdur-Raheem Servant of the Most Merciful
164Abdur-Rahman Servant of the Most Gracious
165Abdur-Raqeeb Servant of the Watchful
166Abdur-Rasheed Servant of the Guide to Right Path
167Abdur-Rauf Servant of the Compassionate
168Abdur-Razzaq Servant of the Provider
169Abdus Name of the narrator of one of the hadith
170Abdus Sabur Slave of the Forbearing
171Abdus Salaam Slave of the Giver of Peace
172Abdus Samad Slave of the Eternal, The Independent
173Abdus Sami Slave of the All Hearing
174Abdus Sattar Slave of the one who conceals faults
175Abdus Shafi Slave of the Healer
176Abdus Subbooh Slave of the Extremely pure
177Abdus-Sabour Servant of the Patient
178Abdus-Salaam Servant of the Source of Peace
179Abdus-Samad Servant of the Eternal
180Abdus-Sameei Servant of the All-Hearing
181Abdus-Shaheed Servant of the Witness
182Abdus-Shakur Servant of the Appreciative
183Abdush Shahid Slave of the Witness
184Abid Worshipper
185Abisali Warrior in Islam
186Abrad Hail, Mail
187Abrar Piety
188Abrash Spotted, Speckled
189Absi Probably from ABASA to frown; this was the name of Abdullah ibn- Musa, a scholar and reciter of the Quran, died 828/829
190Abt'hi One who lives in Abtah, a place near Makkah
191Abul-Hassan The Son Of Ali
192Abyad A narrator of hadith was so named
193Abyan Eloquent
194Abzari Seeds, spice, seedsman, one who sows; the Persian scribe and memoriser of tradition, Abu-Ishaq Ibrahim had this name
195Adam A Prophet's Name
196Adawi Grandson of Sayyindina Umer
197Adbul-Qawi Servant of the Most Powerful
198Adeeb A literary Person
199Adeel Just
200Adeem Rare
201Adel Honourable Judge, One who jugdes Fairly
202Adham Black
203Adheem The most great
204Adib Cultured
205Adil Just, Honest
206Adiy A companion of the Prophet; also the name of the son of Hatim Tiay known for his generosity; also the son of Thabit had this name
207Adl Justice
208Adnan A tribal ancestor of the Quraysh, the Prophet (S.A.W) was from this tribe; there were other noted men too later in history who had this name; for instance, word bin Hakim, a scholar of Basrah
209Aduz Zahir Slave of the Manifest
210Adyan A nabee was named by this name
211Afaaq The place where Earth & Sky meet
212Afeef Pure, Chaste, Pious
213Affan Forgiving person
214Afham Loving
215Afif Chaste, Modest
216Afiq Honest
217Aflah Gaining success-but the Prophet (S.A.W) has discouraged us from giving such names to our children; according to Sayyidina Jab (R.A), The Prophet (S.A.W) intended to forbid such names as Yala, Barakah,
218Afraz Standing tall like a mountain, ability to withstand all that is thrushed upon it
219Afruz Standing tall like a mountain, ability to withstand all that is thrushed upon it
220Aftaab Bright, prosperous, the sun
221Aftab Sun
222Afzal Best, top most
223Agharr Handsome, beautiful, distinguished illustrious, noble, Magnanimous. Name of a companion of the Prophet, bin al-Muzan
224Ahab Strong
225Ahad The one
226Ahmad Most highly adored
227Ahmar Red Coloured
228Ahnaf Name of one of the narrators of hadith
229Ahsan The best of all
230Ahwas Having narrow, contracted or squinting eyes
231Ahyan Gift of God
232Ahzab Name of one of the narrators of Hadith
233Aidan Help, intelligent
234Aidh Name of a reciter of the Holy Quran
235Aijaz Blessing
236Aiman Fearless
237Aizat Sweetness
238Ajer Reward
239Ajlah A narrator of hadith had this name
240Ajmal Beautiful
241Akbar Great
242Akdas Most holy book
243Akeem Wise
244Akhas A narrator of hadith
245Akhdan Best Friend
246Akhfash There have been several men of this name; there were Grammarians of this name in the 8th / 9th century
247Akhlaq Behaving
248Akhtar A Star, good man
249Akif Attached, Intent
250Akmal Lion
251Akram More Generous
252Al hakeem The Wise
253Al-Kareem Educator, teacher
254Ala' Nobility
255Ali Noble, sublime, fourth Caliph of Islam
256Alman Kind, willing and wise man
257Almir Prince
258Altamash Name of a famous king
259Amaan The most loveable
260Amaar One who prays 5 times and fasts
261Amam Safety, Protection
262Amayr Crown
263Ameer Commander, Prince, Khalifah
264Amer Rich
265Amin Faithful, trustworthy, custodian
266Amir Prosperous
267Amjad More glorious, more illustrious
268Ammaar One with strong Imaan. Also a Sahabi , one of the early muslims, son of Yasir and Sumaya Rad
269Ammar Long of age
270Amr "By my life"
271Anas Love, affection
272Anasah The freed
273Aneeq Valuable
274Anees Intimate, friendly
275Aniq Elegant
276Anis Close friend, companion
277Anjam Stars
278Ansar The first people who converted to the religion of Islam were the people of Ansar
279Antarah This was the name of the freed slave of Sulaym
280Anwaar Light, glow, gleam
281Anwar More radiant
282Anzar Angel of paradise
283Aqdas Holy, pure
284Aqeel Wise, Intelligent
285Aqeil Knowledgeable
286Arbaaz Eagle
287Arbab Who looks after someone or takes care
288Areeb Skilful, Adroit
289Areez Friend
290Arfan Gratefulness
291Arham Merciful
292Arif Acquainted, knowledgeable
293Arish A brave soldier
294Armaan Desire, hope
295Arman Army man
296Arqam Pen, Speckled snake;
297Arsal The one who was sent
298Arsalaan Lion
299Arsh Dominion , Crown
300Arshad Better guided, honest
301Arshaq Handsome, well proportioned
302Arslan Lion
303Artah A narrator of the hadith
304Aryan Of utmost strength
305As'ad Happier
306Asad Lion
307Asar Fourth Prayer of the day
308Asbagh Coloured animal, huge flood, dyer
309Asbat A narrator of hadith
310Aseed A narrator of Hadith
311Asfar The morning's light
312Asgar Devoted
313Asghar Shorter, Smaller, Junior
314Asha'ath Scattered, Spread about, humble
315Ashar One who has wisdom
316Ashaz One in a million, name of a sahabi during the time of prophet
317Asher Wise, knowledgeable
318Ashfaq Compassionate friend
319Ashik Lover, Love
320Ashim Generous
321Ashmaan Heaven
322Ashmath Correct path, Straight path
323Ashraf Honourable
324Asim Protector
325Aslam Peace
326Asrar Secret/Sacred relating to Islam
327Ata Gift, Present
328Ataubaq Handsome, beautiful, helpful, generous and got a lot of love to share
329Ateeb Very pious
330Athar Neat, Clean
331Athazaz Unknown, Mystery, Maze
332Athier Lion hearted
333Atif United, Joined, Together
334Atik T he black cloth of the Qaaba
335Atiq Ancient, Noble
336Attiq Old
337Awad Reward, Compensation
338Awf Guest, fragrance, lion;
339Awn To help, assist
340Aws To give
341Ayaan God's gift
342Ayaaz Slave
343Ayaz A sincere Slave of Mahmoud the king once upon a time
344Aybak Ibn-Aybak was a leading historian
345Aydin Brilliant, Enlightened, Intelligent, Light of the moon
346Aymaan Lucky
347Ayman Right Hand
348Ayub A prophet of Allah (swt)
349Ayyash Bread seller
350Ayyub Ayyub was a Prophet of Allah known for his patience in the face of severity and hardship. There have been other noted men by this name, for instance Ibn Tamim was a reciter of the Quran, Al-Sakhtiyani
351Azaan Call for the prayer
352Azad Freedom
353Azeem Great, greater
354Azfer Leader
355Azhar Famous
356Azim Greatest
357Azlan Lion
358Azmat Respect, honour
359Azraq Blue, name of a companion of the Prophet
360Azraqi He was an authority on the history and geography of Makkah
361Azzam Determined, resolved
362Baahir Dazzling, Brilliant
363Baasim Smiling
364Babar Literal Meaning: Lion. Contextual meaning: King of Jungle; Lion hearted, brave, courageous and exemplary leadership qualities. Highly, powerful and influential, very charismatic
365Baber Courageous, Lion
366Baqar Inevitable, lion, powerful
367Baqir Beloved one, Close to heart
368Barkat Growth
369Barr Just, Pious
370Barraq Shining
371Basel Brave
372Basem Smiling
373Bashaar Bringer of glad tidings
374Bashar Bringer of glad tidings
375Basharat Good news
376Basil Brave
377Basim Smiling, Happy
378Basir Bringer of glad tidings
379Bassam Smiling
380Batal Champion
381Bazaan The old emperor of Yaman
382Bazam It was the name of the Tabiee, Abu Salih
383Behzad Honest and caring
384Bilal Name of the Prophet's Muezzin
385Bishr Joy, solved
386Bulhut A narrator of hadith had this name
387Burak Horse like animal that carried the Prophet (PBUH) during mehraj and will carry those that are selected on resurrection day
388Burayd Cold, Mind
389Burhaan Proof
390Burhan Proof
391Da'wud A Prophet's Name
392Daamin Guarantor, Surety
393Daanish Wisdom, Learning, Science
394Dabbah Latch, door lock
395Dabir Judge
396Daghfal Name of first Islamic geologist
397Dakhil Foreigner, stranger
398Dameer Heart, Conscience
399Damurah Sparkle of light, fire
400Daniel Intelligent
401Danish Intelligent
402Daniyal Intelligent
403Darim Name of a narrator of hadith
404Dawid Prince
405Dawlah Riches, happiness
406Dawoud A Prophet's name
407Dayyan A mighty Ruler
408Dean Religion
409Deen Religion
410Dhiya Light, splendour
411Dhul Fiqar Name of the Prophet's sword
412Dilawar Brave, Courageous
413Dildar Charming, beloved
414Dinar Name of the grandfather of Abu Bin Thabit
415Diya Light (Also pronounced Ziya)
416Diyari A gift, or a present
417Dizhwar Mean, strong
418Duha Fore noon
419Ehan Full moon
420Ehsaas Feel
421Ehsan Powerful
422Eijaz Miracle
423Ejaz To do something which others cannot do; a miracle; inimitability
424El-Amin Trustworthy
425Emran Progress, Achievement
426Eshan In God Grace, Worthy
427Faaiz Successful, Prosperous, Victories
428Faakhir Proud, Excellent
429Faaris Horseman, Knight
430Faaz Victorious, successful
431Fadi Redeemer
432Fadil Honourable, outstanding
433Fadl Reward, favour
434Faeq Surpassing, excellent
435Fahad Lynx, wild cat
436Fahd Lynx
437Faheem Intelligent
438Fahim Understanding, clever, wise
439Fahmi Understanding
440Fahyim Very Clever
441Faik Surpassing, excellent, leader
442Faiq Superior, Ascendant, Outstanding
443Faisal Strong, handsome
444Faiyaz Artistic
445Faiz Grace, favour
446Faizaan Grace, Favour
447Faizan Ruler
448Fajaruddin The First
449Fajer Morning
450Fakeeh Cheerful
451Fakhr Pride, Something to feel proud about
452Fakhri Honorary, glorious, proud
453Fakhrul Proud
454Fakih Humorous
455Falah Success
456Faqeeh Jurist, Scholar of religious laws
457Farafisa Name of a companion, bin Umayr al-Hanafi
458Faraj There have been men with this name
459Farasat Perception, sagacity
460Faraz Ascent, height
461Fardeen Radiant
462Fareed Unique, incomparable
463Farees Brave
464Farhan Glad, happy, joyful
465Farid Unique
466Faris Horseman, rider, knight
467Farooq Comely, One who distinguishes truth from falsehood
468Farouk Knowing right from wrong
469Farrukh Happy, Auspicious
470Faruq One who distinguishes truth from falsehood
471Fasahat Eloquence
472Faseeh Eloquent (Suggested name FASEEUDDIN)
473Fateen Clever, Smart
474Fateh Victory
475Fatih Victor, conqueror, the "opener" (eg: surah al-Fath)
476Fatik Deadly, Lethal
477Fattah One who attains victory
478Fawad Heart
479Fawwaz Successful
480Fawz Success, Salvation
481Fawzan Successful, Salvation
482Fawzi Successful
483Fayaaz Kind & Generous; Gracious
484Fayd Abundance
485Fayek Surpassing, excellent, superior, outstanding
486Faysal Decisive
487Fayzan Beneficence
488Fazal Grace
489Fazan Ruler
490Feroz Shinning
491Fiddah Silver
492Fidyan Person who makes sacrifice
493Firas Perspicacious
494Firoz Gift
495Fizan Breeze
496Fuad Heart
497Fudail Excellent in character
498Fujai Name of Prophets (S.A.W) companion
499Furozh Light
500Fuwad Heart
501Fuzail An accomplished person
502Ghaith Rain
503Ghalib Victor
504Ghanem Successful
505Ghannam Shepherd
506Ghasaan Old Arabic name
507Ghauth Helper, Defender
508Ghawth Help, succour
509Ghayoor Self-respecting
510Ghazalan Spinner
511Ghazanfar Lion
512Ghazawan Warrior, companion of Prophet (S.A.W)
513Ghazi Conqueror, warrior
514Ghazzal Name of a reciter of Quran
515Ghiyath Aid, Succourer
516Ghufran Forgiving, to conceal
517Ghulam Slave,
518Ghunayn One who collects booty
519Ghusharib Brave
520Ghusun Branches of tree
521Ghutayf Affluent
522Gohar Diamond, precious stone
523Gulab Rose
524Gulfam Rose faced
525Gulshan A flower Garden
526Gulzar A Garden, an inhabited town
527Haadee The guide
528Haaris Friend
529Haashir Gatherer
530Haaziq Intelligent, Skilful
531Habeebullah Beloved of Allah
532Habib Beloved
533Habis A narrator of Hadith
534Hadee Director, guide
535Hadi Guide
536Hadid Strong
537Hafid The wise one
538Hafiz Protector, guardian
539Hafs Lion, Young of Lion
540Haider Lion
541Haikal Tale
542Haitham Eagle
543Haji Pilgrim
544Hajib Doorman, janitor, bailiff, eyebrow, edge, covering
545Hajjaj Orbit, eye socket, Argument, debate
546Hakim Brother
547Haleef Ally, confederate
548Haleem Patient
549Hallaj Cotton ginner
550Halwani Confectioner
551Hamd Praise, lauding
552Hamdan The one who lauds, extols
553Hamdhy Sympathy, blessing
554Hamdi Of praise, commendable
555Hameem Friend
556Hami Protector, Patron, Supporter, defender
557Hamid Praising, Allah, commendable
558Hamiz Brave, strong
559Hammad Praising (Allah)
560Hammam A great man, a chief, a hero
561Hamood One who praises Allah
562Hamza Lion
563Hamzah Lion
564Hanash A hadith was narrated by a man with the same name
565Haneef Upright, true
566Hani Delighted, content
567Hanif True believer
568Hanifah Upright
569Haq Power
570Haris Vigilant guardian
571Harisah Guardian, protector
572Harith Ploughman, cultivator
573Haroon A Prophet's name
574Hasan Handsome, good
575Haseeb Respected, esteemed
576Haseen Beautiful, Smart
577Hasham Servant
578Hashid One who rallies people, crowded, gathered
579Hashim Generous (Great grandfather of the Prophet)
580Hashir One who assembles
581Hashmat Dignity, Glory
582Hasib The reckoner
583Hasnain Combination of Hassan and Hussain (see Hassan and Hussain for meanings)
584Hassan Really beautiful or one who beautifies
585Hatib A wood collector
586Hatim Judge
587Hawshab A son of Iama Muslim had this name
588Hayaat Life
589Hayder Means "lion" in Arabic. This was another name of Ali, the husband of Fatima - daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
590Haytham Young hawk
591Hayyam Loving
592Hazim Discreet, prudent
593Haziq Intelligent, skilful
594Hesam A sharp sword
595Hibah Grant, donation
596Hibbaan Fleshy
597Hidayat Instruction
598Hilal Crescent
599Himayat Protection, Support
600Hisham Generosity
601Hissan Generous
602Hooman Good soul, good natured
603Hosaam Sword
604Houda Guided
605Hubaab Bubble of Water
606Hud A Prophet's name
607Hujayyah The father of Ajlah bin Abdullah was so called
608Hujjat Argument, reasoning, proof
609Humaid Praised
610Humair Red
611Humam Courageous, generous
612Humayl A companion of the Prophet (S.A.W)
613Humayun Blessed, sacred, royal, imperial
614Humd Praise of Allah
615Humza The name Humza is one of the Arabic alphabets
616Hurairah Narrator of Hadith, a close companion to Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)
617Hurayth A small cultivator
618Hurmat Chastity, sacred
619Hurrah Liberal, free
620Husam Sword
621Husni Good, handsome
622Hussain Handsome, beautiful
623Hussein Handsome, Beautiful
624Huthayfa Old Arabic name
625Huzaifah Curtailed, shortened
626Huzayfah Curtailing, shortening, curtailed, short
627Huzayl Bin Shurah bil had this name
628Ibaad A worshipper
629Ibn Son of
630Ibrahim A Prophet's name
631Idris A Prophet's name
632Iftikhar Proud
633Ihab Leather
634Ihsan Beneficence
635Ihtesham Respectable, honourable, present personality
636Ihtiram Honour, hold in honour
637Ihtsham Strength
638Ijaz Miracle
639Ijli This was the name of the makes of astrolabes
640Ikrimah A companions name
641Ilan Good person
642Ilifat Friendship, kindness, obligation
643Ilyas A Prophet's name
644Imaad Pillar of strength, confident
645Imaan Faith
646Imad Support, pillar, confidence
647Imran A Prophet's name
648Imtiaz Different, antique
649Imtiyaz Distinct
650Inaam Reward, favour, Prize
651Inayat Bounty, Kindness, favour
652Iniat Blessing
653Insaf To Judge with Justice
654Intaj King, magnificent
655Intikhab Selection, choice
656Intizar Wait
657Iqbal Responsiveness
658Iqraam To be of assistance, respect
659Iqrit A man of early Islam about whom amusing tales are told
660Iqtidar Power, Office, Authority
661Irfan Gratefulness
662Isa A Prophet's name. (Jesus (A.S))
663Isam Protector
664Ishaq A Prophet's name
665Ishrat Society, Familiar and pleasant talk, happiness
666Ishtiyaq Longing, craving
667Iskandar SEE SIKANDAR
668Islam Submission to Allah
669Isma'il A Prophet's name
670Ismah Preservation, infallibility
671Ismail A prophets name
672Israr Insist, never gives up
673Issar Sacrifice
674Istakhri A shafaee jurist
675Ithaar Selflessness
676Itimad Trust, faith
677Iyaad Generous
678Iyaas Compensation
679Izaan Obedience
680Izyan Intelligent, wise
681Izz Glory, honour, Prestige, High Standing
682Izzat High rank, honour
683Jaan Life, Soul
684Jabir Consoler, Comforter, restorer
685Jabr Compulsion name of a companion
686Jad Curly, Frizzled
687Jafar Rivulet, stream
688Jaffer Flowing water
689Jahangir A moghul emperor had this name
690Jahanzeb Beautiful
691Jahdami An authority for hadith had this name
692Jahdari An authority of Quran had this name
693Jahiz Ogle-eyed
694Jahm Sullen
695Jalal Glory, grandeur
696Jalees Companion, friend, person with whom one sits
697Jalil Great, revered
698Jamal Beauty
699Jamesha Beautiful leader
700Jamil Beautiful, lovely
701Jan Life, heart
702Jaraah Surgeon; name of tabaree
703Jareer Corpulent
704Jari Powerful, brave
705Jariyah Name of a Ashb-as-Suffa
706Jarood Name of a companion of the Prophet (S.A.W)
707Jarrar Brave
708Jasim Healthy, Strong, Powerful
709Jasmir Strong
710Jauhar Gem, jewel
711Javed Bright
712Javeed Forever
713Javier Month of January
714Jawad Liberal, generous
715Jawdan Goodness
716Jawhar Jewel, gem
717Jazib Beautiful, Handsome
718Jazlaan Happiness
719Jeelan It is a city in Iran
720Jibran Reward
721Jibril Archangel of Allah (Gabriel)
722Jihad Struggle, Islamically sanctioned war
723Jiyad Very good
724Juayl Quarrdsome
725Jubair Counsels or brings together
726Juhaym Sullen
727Juma' Friday
728Jumanah Pearl; name of a companion
729Jummal Unit of army
730Junaid Fighter, worrier whose strength is equal to a small army
731Junayd Fighter, warrior
732Jundub Grasshopper (name of a companion)
733Juthamah Nightmare (name of companion)
734Kaamil Perfect, accomplished
735Kaashif Uncoverer, pioneer, discoverer
736Kabeer Great
737Kabir Big, great
738Kafeel Responsible, Surety, Sponsor
739Kaiser Emperor, King
740Kajji An authority of hadith at Baghdad
741Kalbi An authority on genealogy and the Quran
742Kaleem Speaker, talker
743Kaleema Public speaker, singer
744Kamal Perfection, completeness
745Kamil Perfect, complete
746Kamran Safety and helpful
747Kareem Noble, generous
748Karim Giver
749Kasam The king
750Kashan Place of rulers
751Kashif Uncoverer
752Kasim Lovely
753Kawkab Star
754Kawthar Much, Abundant, Copious. (Name of a river in paradise)
755Kaysan Wise
756Kazi Judge
757Kazim Restrainer of anger
758Keyaan Crown, King
759Khadim Servant, attendant
760Khafid Easy, comfortable, smooth
761Khalaf Successor, Descendants
762Khalam Servant to Allah
763Khaldun Implies eternity
764Khaleed Abiding
765Khaleel Goo Friend
766Khaleeq Suitable (for), Worthy, Deserving, Polite, Affable, Well-disposed
767Khalid Eternal, glorious
768Khalifah Successor, Caliph
769Khalis Pure, Clean
770Khallad Old, Aged. (also name of Prophets (S.A.W) companion
771Kharijah Outside, external
772Khasib Fertile, Productive, Profuse
773Khateeb Orator, Preacher
774Khawar From east to west
775Khayaam Iranian Poet, Tent
776Khayr Goodness, health, Safe
777Khayri Charitable
778Khayyat Tailor
779Khazin Treasurer
780Khidash Name of Prophet (S.A.W)'s companion
781Khidr Green
782Khirash Scratching, Scraping, (name of a companion)
783Khubaib Shinning
784Khubayb A fast walker, (name of companion)
785Khulayd Abiding, (name of companion)
786Khunays Hidden (name of companion)
787Khuram Tiger
788Khuraymah (name of companion)
789Khurram Cheerful, Happy
790Khursheed The sun
791Khurshid Sun
792Khush Bakht Fortunate, of good fortune
793Khushtar Surrounded by happiness
794Kifayat Enough, sufficient
795Kinza Hidden Treasure
796Kishwar A country, region
797Kurayb Ibn Abi Muslim al-Hashami had this name
798Labeeb Understanding, Sensible, Intelligent
799Labib Sensible, intelligent
800Lahi'ah A narrator of hadith
801Laiq Deserving
802Laith Lion
803Lajlaj One of prophet's (S.A.W) companions
804Laqeet Well known companion of the Prophet (S.A.W)
805Lateef Kind
806Latif Fine, gentle, refined
807Layth A famous jurist had this name
808Liban Successful, charmed
809Limazah He was a narrator of hadith
810Liyaqat Worth, deserving, merit
811Lu'ay Shield
812Luqman A Prophet's name
813Lut Name of a Prophet
814Lutf Bounty, enjoyment
815Lutfi Kind and friendly, gentle
816Ma'mun Trustworthy, reliable
817Ma'n Assistance
818Maaz Brave Man
819Mabad A place of worship
820Madani Civilised
821Madiyan Name of place in Saudi Arabia
822Madyan Name of a holy place in Saudi Arabia where the Prophet (PBUH) used to visit
823Mahad Great, nice
824Mahaz The place of war
825Mahbeer Brave
826Mahbub Dear, Darling, Sweetheart
827Mahd The guided one
828Mahdi Rightly Guided
829Maher Skilled
830Mahfuj The Protected One, The Protector
831Mahfuz Preserved, safe
832Mahja Place to sleep, quarters, lodgings
833Mahmud The praised one, commendable
834Majd Glory, nobility
835Majdi Glorious, praiseworthy
836Makhdoom One who is served
837Makki Pertaining to Makkah
838Malih A reciter of Quran was so called
839Malik Master
840Mamduh Person commended, praised
841Mamoon Secure, fearless
842Mansoor Victorious
843Mansur Divinely aided, victorious
844Manzar View, Sight
845Manzoor Approve(d), Accept(ed)
846Maqbool Popular
847Maqil Intelligent
848Marghoob Desirable, coveted, agreeable
849Maru'deen Strong believer of the religion
850Maruf Known, accepted
851Marwan Solid
852Marzuq Blessed, fortunate
853Masarrat Happiness, delight, joy
854Mash'al Torch
855Mashhood Witness
856Mashhud Clear, Manifest, Witnessed
857Mashkoor One who is worthy of thanks, deserving, commendable
858Masood Blissful, fortunate, auspicious
859Masoud Lucky
860Masroor Happy person, joyful
861Masrur Happy, glad
862Masud Fortunate, happy, lucky
863Masum Innocent, infallible
864Mateen Solid, constant, tough, substantive
865Matloob Objective, goal
866Mawsil Name of Hanafi Jurist of Iraq
867Maymun Fortunate, blessed
868Maysarah Ease, comfort
869Mazin Cloud that carries rain
870Mehboob Loveable
871Mehtab The Moon
872Mekka Name of Holy city
873Mensur Winner
874Miftah Key
875Mika Cool, sweet, intelligent
876Mika'il One of Allah's angel
877Mimar Mason, architect
878Minhaj Road, Path
879Miraj Ascension (to heaven)
880Mirsab The sword of the Prophet (S.A.W)
881Misbah Light, lamp
882Miskeen Poor
883Mistah Instrument to level something
884Mo'tasim Handsome
885Moazzam Respectable
886Mobeen Sensitive
887Moeen ud din Helper in the religion
888Moeez Respectful
889Moemen Believer and faithful to Allah
890Mohammed Name of final prophet (PBUH)
891Mohid The one who believes in oneness of Allah Almighty
892Mohsin Helper, attractive
893Mokbul Accept
894Mostafa Chosen one
895Motaz Proud
896Mounir Light, sunlight
897Mourad Desire
898Mu'adh Protected
899Mu'afa Name of a man who travelled extensively to find Hadith
900Mu'alla A judge and follower
901Mu'allim Teacher
902Mu'awiyah First Ummayad Caliph
903Mu'awwiz Companion who participated in the Battle of Badr
904Mu'ayyad Supported
905Mu'inuddeen The Helper of the religion
906Muammar Senior
907Muammer Senior
908Muballigh Preacher, one who preaches and propagates Islam
909Mubarak Blessed, fortunate, auspicious
910Mubaraq Blessing
911Mubashir Spreader of good news
912Mubassir Observer
913Mubeen Clear
914Mubid Intellectual
915Mudabbir One who plans
916Mudasir Handsome
917Mudasser A word in the Qur'an
918Mueen One who helps
919Mueez One who gives protection
920Mufaddal One who is preferred
921Mufakkir Thinker, one who meditates
922Mufallah One who prospers
923Mufeed (from the verb fada to overflow)
924Mufid Useful
925Muflih One who prospers
926Mufti Jurist
927Mughith Helper, succourer
928Muhafiz One who protects
929Muhaimin Supervising, guardian, protector
930Muhajir Immigrant
931Muhammad Praiseworthy - name of the LAST Prophet (A.S)
932Muhannad Sword
933Muharrem 1st month of Islamic year
934Muhdee One who presents
935Muheet That which embraces all round
936Muhib One who loves, friend
937Muhriz Obtainer, winner, earner
938Muhsin Beneficent, charitable
939Muhtadi Right guided
940Muhtashim One has many followers
941Muiz The giver of might and glory
942Mujaddid One who renews or renovates or refreshes
943Mujahid A warrior
944Mujazziz Name of a companion
945Mujeeb Responder
946Mujibur Responsive
947Mujtaba The chosen one
948Mukarram Respected, honoured
949Mukhlis Sincere, pure-hearted
950Mukhtar Selected, authorised
951Mukthadir Strong, health
952Mulayl A companion was so named
953Mumin One who believes
954Mumtaz One who is distinguished
955Munaf Exalted, inconsistent with contradictory to
956Munawwar Enlightened, lighted
957Muneeb One who turns in repentance
958Muneer Shining
959Munir Moon's Light, Lamp
960Munis Name of a previous chief army guard
961Munkadir Name of an authority and ascetic of Hadith
962Munqad One who is led, conducted, obedient
963Muntasir One of the Abbasid Khalifah was known as such
964Muntazir The awaiting
965Munzir Warner
966Muqaddas Sacred
967Muqatadir Name of an Abbasid Khalifah
968Muqbil Following, next
969Muqtasid One who is economical, thrifty
970Murabbi Patron, Superior, guardian
971Murad Desire
972Mursal Messenger, Prophet, Ambassador
973Murshid Spiritual guide, instructor, mentor
974Murtaad Ascetical
975Murtadaa Chosen one
976Murtaza The generous, The giving
977Musa A Prophets name
978Musaddiq One who confirms or verifies another
979Musaid Helper
980Museeb Apple in Persian. Also means great warrior
981Musharraf One who is honoured, exalted
982Musheer Advisor
983Mushfiq Friend, considerate
984Mushir "The one of highest rank" was used mostly in military in the past, now used to describe many things in Arabic
985Mushtaq Ardent, Longing
986Muslih Reformer
987Muslim One who submits to Allah
988Mussarrat Joyful, always happy
989Mustaeen The chosen one
990Mustafa The chosen one, also one of the Prophets names
991Mustafeed Profiting, gainful
992Mustahsan Commendable
993Mustajab One who is heard
994Mustakim Straight road
995Mustaneer Brilliant
996Mustaqeem Straight
997Mustatab Good, Delectable
998Mutahhir What Purifies
999Mutashim Decent, honest and modest
1000Mutasim Kept away from sin; name of Khalifah
1001Mutawassit Moderate, average
1002Mutayyib Fragrant
1003Muttaqi Righteous, one who fears Allah
1004Muttee Obedient
1005Muzaffar Victorious
1006Muzakkir Reminder
1007Muzammil The wrapped one
1008Muzhir Witnessed, name of companion
1009Muzzammil Wrapped
1010Na'il Acquirer, earner
1011Naadir Dear, Rare, Precious
1012Nabeel Noble Man
1013Nabhan Alert
1014Nabigh Genius
1015Nabih Alert
1016Nabil Noble, generous
1017Nadeem Companion, Friend
1018Nadhir Warner
1019Nadim Friend, companion
1020Nadir Dear, rare, precious
1021Nadr Flourishing
1022Naeem Blessing, Ease
1023Nafasat Refinement
1024Nafees Pureness, Pure
1025Nafis Precious
1026Naib Deputy, Second in Command
1027Naim Comfort, tranquillity
1028Najair Little Star
1029Najam Star
1030Najeeb Of noble birth
1031Najeed Highland
1032Naji Safe
1033Najib Intelligent
1034Najid One who helps, supports
1035Najih Successful
1036Najm Star, celestial body
1037Nameer Pure
1038Namik Writer/Author
1039Naqeeb Leader
1040Naqi Pure
1041Naqid Fault-finder
1042Naqqaash Painter, artist
1043Naseef The just one
1044Naseem Breeze
1045Naseer One who helps
1046Nashat Joy, Cheer
1047Nashit Energetic, active
1048Nasif Most just, equitable
1049Nasih Advisor, well-wisher
1050Nasim Breath of Fresh air, breeze
1051Nasir Protector, supporter
1052Nasmi Breeze
1053Nasr Help, victory
1054Nasser Protector
1055Natiq Categorical (decision), talker, speaker, rational
1056Naushad Happy
1057Naveed Glad tidings
1058Navid See Naveed
1059Nawaz Prince, kind, loving and generous
1060Nawfal Generous, old Arabic word for the Sea
1061Nayab Rare, Precious
1062Nazakat Delicacy
1063Nazar The one who gives
1064Nazeef Clean, neat
1065Nazeer One who warns
1066Nazih Pure, chaste
1067Nazim Intelligence , Power
1068Nazir Observer, supervisor
1069Nehan Beautiful
1070Nidal Fight, defence
1071Nihal Happy, Prosperous
1072Nishaaj Explorer
1073Nithar Sacrifice
1074Niyaz Dedication, Offering
1075Nizam Administration
1076Nizzar Keen-eyed
1077Noman Men with all blessings of Allah
1078Nooh Name of Prophet
1079Noor Attribute of Allah
1080Noorali Light of Ali
1081Noraiz The first ray of sunlight which came to earth
1082Nour Light
1083Noureddine Light of faith
1084Nu'man Blood
1085Nuaym One of narrators of Hadith
1086Nubaid Bringing Happiness
1087Nuh A Prophet's name
1088Numair Baby Tiger
1089Nur Light
1090Nur Firdaus Light of the Highest Paradise
1091Nur-ul-Qiblatayn Light of the two Qibla
1092Nuraz The Treasure Of Noor
1093Nurdeen Light of the religion
1094Nuri Shining, brightness
1095Nusayb Name of a black slave who fought in the early wars of Islam
1096Nusayr Narrator of Hadith had this name
1097Obaid Small Slave
1098Omair Intelligent
1099Omar Long-Lived
1100Osama Lion
1101Owais A companion of the Prophet (S.A.W)
1102Parsa Devout or abstemious person, pious
1103Parvez Success. Name of a Persian King
1104Pervaiz Breeze
1105Qaadir Capable
1106Qabeel Son of Sayyidina Aadam
1107Qadar Divine destiny
1108Qadeer Powerful, very kind hearted and honest
1109Qadi Judge
1110Qadim Ancient
1111Qahtan Name of a tribe
1112Qaim Rising, Standing, Existing, well-grounded
1113Qais Lover
1114Qamar Moon
1115Qani Content, Satisfied
1116Qanit Obedient, Submissive, Humble, God-fearing
1117Qareeb Near
1118Qaseem Share, Portion
1119Qasid Messenger
1120Qasif Discover
1121Qasim Divider, distributor
1122Qatadah A hardwood tree
1123Qawee Strong, powerful
1124Qays Firm
1125Quadir Strong
1126Qudamah Companion of Prophet (S.A.W)
1127Qudoos Most holy
1128Qurban Offering, Sacrifice
1129Qusay Distant
1130Qutaybah A narrator of hadith
1131Qutb Celebrity, personality
1132Ra'id Leader, pioneer
1133Raahil Path guider
1134Raamis The good looking one
1135Raamiz Symbol
1136Raashid Major, Adult, Orthodox, Guided, Intelligent
1137Rabah Gainer
1138Rabar A loving and caring person to all
1139Rabbani Divine
1140Rabee Spring
1141Rabi' Spring, breeze
1142Rabiah Greenery
1143Rabit Binding, Fastening
1144Radi Satisfied
1145Raees Rich, Wealthy, Chief
1146Rafan Beautiful, graceful
1147Rafay The Exalter, To Elevate Rank
1148Rafee High, High-ranking, cultured, refined
1149Rafeek Friend
1150Rafi High, High-ranking, cultured, refined. In the Quran, the
1151Rafik Kind, friend
1152Rafiq Kind, friend
1153Raghib Desiring, willing
1154Rahat Rest, Response
1155Raheel One who shows the way, Fearless or Brave
1156Raheesh Leader, Chief, Rich
1157Rahil Path guider
1158Rahim Merciful
1159Rahmat Mercy
1160Raihan Heavens' Flower
1161Raiyan Satisfaction, contented
1162Rajaa Hope
1163Rajab 7th Month of the Islamic Calendar
1164Rakeem Writer
1165Rakhshan Dazzling
1166Ramadan 9th Month of the Islamic Calendar
1167Rameez Symbol
1168Ramin Who rescues the people from hungry and pain. Brings Joy into peoples life
1169Ramiz Symbol
1170Raonar Lustre
1171Raquib Most watchful
1172Raseem One who designs
1173Rashad Integrity of conduct, maturity
1174Rashdan Guidance, rectitude
1175Rasheed Rationale, Prutend, Intelligent, Rightly-guided
1176Rashid Righteous, mature
1177Rasool Name of the nabi
1178Rauf Merciful, kind
1179Rawahah Departure, Fragrance, ease
1180Rawdah Garden Meadow, Paradise
1181Rawh Refreshment, Rest
1182Rayan The gate of heaven which allows fasting people in Ramadan to enter
1183Rayees Rich
1184Rayhaan Sweet basil
1185Rayhan Basil, Sweet basil, Fragrance
1186Rayn It is the name of a gate of the heaven
1187Rayyan Full, pretty
1188Raza Handsome
1189Razam Lion
1190Razeen Sedate, Slemn, Grave, Sober-Minded
1191Rehan King
1192Rehma The loving
1193Rehmat-ullah Blessings of Allah Almighty
1194Reza Wish
1195Riaz Garden, devotion
1196Ridha Contentment
1197Ridwan Keeper of the gates of heaven
1198Rifa'ah Dignity
1199Risay The Risk, Black Rose, Lovest One, The One
1200Riyad Gardens
1201Riyasat Rule, Dominion
1202Rizwan Peon of Paradise
1203Robeel Flight
1204Rohail Noble
1205Roshan Bright, Shining
1206Rowel Flower
1207Rukanah Firm, Solid
1208Rushd On the right path
1209Ruwayfi Exalted
1210Sa'd Felicity
1211Sa'dan Happy, fortunate
1212Sa'id Happy, fortunate
1213Sa'im Fasting
1214Sa'ir Walking, going on foot
1215Sa'irah Walking
1216Sa'ood Fortunate, Happy
1217Saad A companion of the Prophet (S.A.W)
1218Saadat Blessing, Honour
1219Saafir Ambassador, handsome
1220Saahir Wakeful
1221Saaiq He who drives on the right path
1222Saal The year consisting of twelve months
1223Saaqib Star
1224Sabbir Patient
1225Sabeeh A narrator of Hadith
1226Sabil Path, way
1227Sabiq First, Former
1228Sabir Patient
1229Sabur Patient, perservent
1230Saburah A narrator of Hadith
1231Sadan Happy, Fortunate
1232Sadaqat Truth
1233Sadeed Relevant, Pertinent
1234Sadeem Haze, Mist
1235Sadik Truthful
1236Sadiq Truthful
1237Sadit Hard working and strong
1238Saeed Blissful, auspicious
1239Safdar One who breaks the enemy's rank
1240Safeenah Name of an Ahl As-Suffah
1241Safeer Emissary
1242Saffar An authority of Hadith
1243Safiy-Allah Allah's chosen one
1244Safiyy Chosen One
1245Saful Islam Sword of Islam
1246Safwan Rock
1247Sagheer Small, short
1248Sahab Cloud
1249Sahar Time before day break, bewitch
1250Saheim Warrior
1251Sahib Companion, friend
1252Sahil Guide
1253Sahir Wakeful
1254Sahl Easy, Uncomplicated
1255Sahm Arrow, dart
1256Sahmir Entertaining companion
1257Saib Forsaken, abandoned
1258Saif Sword
1259Saifan Sword of Allah
1260Saiful Azman Sword of dream
1261Saji A scholar had this name
1262Sajid Prostrating
1263Sajjad One who does much prostrations
1264Sakhawat Generosity, liberality, open-handiness
1265Sakhr Rock
1266Sakhrah Rock(s)
1267Salaahddinn The righteousness of the faith
1268Salaam Peace
1269Salah Righteousness of the faith, goodness
1270Salam Peace
1271Salamah Soundness, integrity
1272Salamat Safety
1273Salar Leader
1274Saleel Warrior of understanding, Noble hearted, container of inner strength
1275Saleem Sound, Unimpaired, Sane, Sincere
1276Salif Previous, Former
1277Salih Safe, whole, flawless
1278Salik Passable, unobstructed
1279Salim Secure, free
1280Salman Safe
1281Salsaal Pure Water
1282Salsal Pure Water
1283Salt A narrator of Hadith
1284Sameed Brave, simple
1285Sameer Entertainer
1286Sameh Forgiver
1287Sami High, lofty, exalted
1288Samir Entertaining companion
1289Samit Quiet
1290Sanaullah Worshiper of Allah
1291Sanawbar A cone-bearing tree, fir, Pine
1292Saqer Falcon
1293Saqib Shining Star
1294Sarab Mirage
1295Sarfaraz King
1296Sarfraz Person sitting at a high place
1297Sarim Lion, brave, big hearted
1298Sariyah Travels by night
1299Sarmad Eternity
1300Sarosh Angel
1301Sarwar Chief, leader, Joy, Delight
1302Saud Felicities, good fortune
1303Sawa Equal, same
1304Sawad Blackness, Skill
1305Sawlat Influence, commanding, personality, awe
1306Sawwaf Wool Stapler, Wool Dealer
1307Sayf Sword
1308Sayfiyy Concerning sword
1309Sayhan Flowing
1310Sayid Lord, Master
1311Sayyar Mobile, Constantly on the move
1312Seema Mien, Expression, Countenance
1313Seif Sword
1314Shaaf One who gives health
1315Shaariq Radiance
1316Shabaan Islamic Month
1317Shabab Youth
1318Shabah Resembling
1319Shaban Name of an Islamic month
1320Shabaz Beautiful, handsome, intelligent, protected by Allah, self confidence, respectful
1321Shabb Young
1322Shabbeer Appellation of Imam Husain (R.A)
1323Shabbir Pious, beautiful
1324Shabeeh Resembling
1325Shabib A scholar who wrote about Quran
1326Shad Happy
1327Shadab Fresh, evergreen
1328Shadan Happy
1329Shadeed Lover
1330Shadhin Independent
1331Shadi Singer
1332Shafaat Recommendation
1333Shafee Intercessor
1334Shafi Pure
1335Shafin He who cures
1336Shafiq Compassionate, tender
1337Shafiulla Compassionate of Allah or Purity of Allah
1338Shafqat Affection
1339Shah King
1340Shahab Meteor
1341Shahadat Witness, Evidence
1342Shahan King
1343Shaharyar King
1344Shahbaz Falcon
1345Shaheed Witness
1346Shaheem Intelligent
1347Shaheen Falcon
1348Shaheer Well-Known
1349Shahid Witness
1350Shahin Falcon
1351Shahnawaz Brave
1352Shahrukh Concerning, monarchy
1353Shahrul Moon
1354Shahzad King's son
1355Shahzaib Crown of a king, like a king
1356Shahzor Extreme Power
1357Shairyaar Friendship
1358Shajee Bold, Courageous
1359Shakeel Handsome, Comely
1360Shakir Thankful
1361Shallal Waterfalls
1362Shamas Sun
1363Shameel Complete
1364Shameem Fragrance
1365Shamel Comprehensive, complete
1366Shammyn Sun light
1367Shams Sun
1368Shams-Ul-Haq Appellation given to Indian and Pakistani Scholars
1369Shamshad Box-tree
1370Shamsheer The sword of honours
1371Shamsideen Sun of religion
1372Shan Dignity, Splendour
1373Shaqeeq Real brother
1374Sharaf Honour
1375Sharafat Nobility
1376Sharaheel A narrator of Hadith
1377Shareef The good
1378Shareek Associate
1379Sharif Honest, noble, distinguished
1380Sharifudin The noble religion
1381Shariq Radiant, Bright
1382Sharique Sunrise
1383Sharjeel Fine
1384Shaukat Grandeur
1385Shawaiz Speak melodious
1386Shayaan Intelligent
1387Shayan Praised
1388Shaybah Grey-haired, aged
1389Shazad Prince
1390Shazeb Decorated king
1391Shaziya Aromatic
1392Shehran The ancient king of Persia
1393Shehroze King of Roses
1394Shehryaar Sovereign
1395Shehyar Lucky one
1396Shehzaad Prince
1397Sheraz Loving, Caring, Daring
1398Sheryar King
1399Shibli Was a great Scholar and writer
1400Shifa Cure
1401Shihab Flame, blaze
1402Shiraz Sweet
1403Shoaib A Prophet's name
1404Shu'aa Beams, Rays
1405Shuayb A Prophets name
1406Shuja Brave, bold, Valour
1407Shuneal Traveller
1408Shurahbeel A narrator of Hadith
1409Shurayh A narrator of Hadith
1410Shuraym Split, Cleavage
1411Sifet Quality
1412Sikandar Name of a famous Sovereign
1413Silah Arms
1414Simak Arcturus (Star)
1415Sinan Spear head
1416Siraj Lamp, light
1417Siwar Bracelet, Arm-ring
1418Sofian Sand storm
1419Sohaib Reddish or Sandy (Hair)
1420Sohail Gentle, ease; name of star
1421Souffian Sand
1422Subhan Holy
1423Subhi Early morning
1424Suhaan Very good
1425Suhayb A companions name
1426Suhayl Canopus (Star)
1427Suheb Love
1428Sulaiman A Prophets Name
1429Sulayk Traveller, Walker
1430Sulayman Name of a Prophet
1431Sultaan Authority
1432Sultan Power, authority
1433Sumayya Martyr of Islam
1434Surayj Name of an authority of Hadith
1435Surur Joy, happiness
1436Suwaybit Roof over path, alley between houses
1437Suwayd Black
1438Sydeek King
1439Syed Always in control
1440Taanish Good
1441Taban Resplendent, Glittering
1442Tabassum Smiling
1443Tabish Heat, Brilliancy
1444Taha Name of a Surah in the Quran
1445Tahawwur Rashness
1446Taheem Pure
1447Tahir Pure, clean, chaste
1448Tahmeed Allah’s servant
1449Tahmid Thanks to the graceful and merciful Allah
1450Tahoor Purity
1451Tahseen Acclaim, appreciation
1452Taimur Iron
1453Taj Crown
1454Tajammal Beautiful
1455Tajammul Dignity, Magnificence, Pomp
1456Tajudinn Crown of religion
1457Talal Nice admirable
1458Talat Countenance
1459Talha A name of Tree
1460Talhah Kind of tree
1461Tali Rising, Ascending, Going up
1462Talib Sender (of truth), student
1463Tameem Perfect, complete
1464Tameez Discretion, sense, manners
1465Tamir Tall
1466Tamkeen Dignity, Gravity
1467Tammam Generous
1468Tanim Wave of the Sea, Rhythm
1469Tanveer Rays of light
1470Tanwir Enlightening
1471Taqiyy Pious, Righteous
1472Tarannum Singing
1473Tariq A late visitor
1474Tasadduq Giving Alms, Charity, Sacrifice
1475Tasawwar Idea, conception
1476Taseen A name of the Prophet (S.A.W)
1477Taslim Peaceful
1478Tasneen A heavenly fountain
1479Taufiq Guidance
1480Tauqeer Respect
1481Tawbah Repentance
1482Tawfeeq Divine help or guidance, enabling, inner motivation
1483Tawoos Peacock
1484Tawseef Praise
1485Taymur Brave strong
1486Taysir Facilitation
1487Tayyab Clean
1488Tazeem Honour, Respect
1489Tazneem A garden in paradise
1490Tehseen Compliments, happiness
1491Tha'labah A narrator of hadith
1492Thabit Firm, established
1493Thaman Price, Worth
1494Thamar Fruit, Outcome
1495Thaqaf To surpass in skill
1496Thaqib Piercing
1497Tharwat Wealth, Fortune, riches
1498Thauban Two garments
1499Thayer Rebel
1500Thumamah Millet (Plant)
1501Tihami A title of the Prophet (S.A.W)
1502Tobias Born with a Star
1503Toqeer Respect
1504Tufayl Baby
1505Tulayb Concerning a seeker, or one who covets
1506Tunveer Rays of light
1507Turhan Of mercy
1508Ubadah Worship
1509Ubayd Worshipper
1510Ubaydullah Servant of Allah
1511Uhban Name of Prophet (S.A.W)'s name
1512Ulfat Love, Affection, Familiarity, Intimacy
1513Umair Intelligent
1514Umar Name of the second Caliph
1515Umarah Habitation
1516Umayr Old Arabic name
1517Umayyah A narrator of hadith
1518Umran Prosperity
1519Unais Love, Affection
1520Unal Fighter, strong spirit
1521Unays Smaller form of Anas
1522Uqbah End of everything
1523Urfee Name of popular Poet
1524Urooj Ascension, Mounting Rising
1525Urwah Hand-held, support
1526Usamah Description of a lion
1527Usayd Little lion
1528Usman Name of the third Caliph
1529Utbah Threshold
1530Uthman Name of the third Caliph
1531Uwayam A float, buoyant
1532Uzair Name of a Prophet
1533Uzayr Precious
1534Waa'il One Who Returns For Shelter
1535Wadi Calm, peaceful
1536Wafa Faithfulness, fidelity
1537Wafi Faithful, loyal
1538Wafiq Successful
1539Wahb Giving
1540Wahban (related to Wahb)
1541Waheed Unique, One of its kind
1542Wahhaj Glowing, incandescent
1543Wahib Liberal donor
1544Wahid Singular, exclusive, unequalled
1545Wail Returner
1546Wais King
1547Waiz Preacher, Sermoniser
1548Wajdaan Thought, imagination
1549Wajeeh Commanding Personality
1550Wajid One who finds
1551Wajih Noble, eminent
1552Wakalat Advocacy, Agency
1553Wakeel Agent, Representative
1554Waleed New-born Child
1555Wali Guardian
1556Wali-ud-din Guardian of religion
1557Walid New-born child
1558Waqaar Self-respect
1559Waqar Respect, dignity
1560Waqas Warrior
1561Wasay Unlimited, All Encompassing, Boundless
1562Waseem Handsome
1563Wasif Man of Qualities
1564Wasil Inseparable friend
1565Wasim Good looking
1566Watheq Firm, reliable, confident
1567Wazir Minister
1568Wildan Boy in heaven
1569Wisam Badge, Logo, like coat of Arms
1570Yafi A narrator of hadith
1571Yaghnam A narrator of hadith
1572Yahya A Prophet's Name
1573Yaman Blessed
1574Yameen Oath, right hand, right wing (of the army)
1575Yaqeen Belief
1576Yaqoot Precious stone
1577Yaqub A Prophet's Name
1578Yar Friend
1579Yaseen YASIN, ALIF LAAM MEEM, HA MEEM AIN SEEN KAAF are all words in Quran whose meaning is known to Allah only.
1580Yasin Rich, Sura in Quran, Name of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
1581Yasir Wealthy
1582Yathrib Former name of the city of Madinnah
1583Yawar Helping
1584Yawer Helper
1585Yuhannis The name of a freed salve of Zubair
1586Yunus A Prophet's Name
1587Yusr Ease, Convenience
1588Yusuf A Prophet's Name
1589Zackariya Name of a prophet
1590Zaeem The leader
1591Zafar Victorious
1592Zafir Victorious
1593Zafrul Honest, Reliable and very ambitious
1594Zaheer Bright and shining
1595Zahi Bright, shining
1596Zahir Bright, shining
1597Zaid Growth, Increase
1598Zaigham Lion
1599Zaighum Lion, Powerful
1600Zaim Leader or General, someone who is demanded
1601Zain Friend, beloved
1602Zair Pilgrim
1603Zakar Handsome, Kind hearted
1604Zakariya Name of a Prophet (A.S)
1605Zakariyya The name of a Prophet
1606Zaki Intelligent, pure, chaste
1607Zakir Someone who believes in Allah, faith
1608Zaman Time, destiny
1609Zameer Conscience
1610Zamil Friend, collegue
1611Zarar Brave, Courageous
1612Zaroon Visitor
1613Zarrar A great muslim warrior
1614Zayan Bright
1615Zayb Adornment
1616Zayd In abundance, plentiful
1617Zayer Tourist, who visits holy places
1618Zebadiyah Allah's gift
1619Zeeshan A high standard
1620Zeeya Light
1621Zeyad Prince, the honest and kind. Peace and truth
1622Zia Wise
1623Ziaud Splendor, light
1624Zishan Peaceful
1625Ziyad Abundance
1626Zohaib Leader, king
1627Zohair Best friend of the last prophet (S.A.W)
1628Zoran Dawn
1629Zubair Proper Name
1630Zubayr It's a proper name, a Sahabas' name and the youngest fighter in Al Islam
1631Zuehb Clever Minded
1632Zufar Name of Imam Abu Hanifah's disciple
1633Zuhaib Star
1634Zuhair The prophet
1635Zuhayr Bright
1636Zuhoor Appearance, Manifestation
1637Zulaym A narrator of Hadith
1638Zulfaqar Sword that the Prophet (S.A.W) gave to Sayyidina Ali
1639Zulfiqar Sword name of Hazart Ali
1640Zulqarnain Someone with two beautiful eyes
1641Zunnoon Appellation of Prophet Yunus (A.S)
1642Zuti Name of the grandfather of Imam Abu Hanifah