12 February 2018

Surah Al-Anfal (Verses 11 to 19) - Online MCQs Test - Islamiat (English) 10th

Surah Al-Anfal (Verses 11 to 19) - Online MCQs Test - Islamiat (English) 10th

25 online multiple choice questions from lesson : 01 'surah al-anfal (verses 11 to 19)' for class 10th, x, matric (all provincial or federal board / science and general group)

In Surah Anfal, the incident of _____________ is mentioned.
  1. Ghazwa-e-Tabuk
  2. Ghazwa-e-Badar
  3. Ghazwa-e-Ohud
  4. Ghazwa-e-Khyber