19 May 2014

English Essay - A Visit to A Factory

A Visit to A Factory

English Essay on "A Visit to A Factory"

Points: Introduction – Furnace – Big tanks – Storage – Conclusion.
We see the advertisement of Dada Bhoy Cement Factory in the T.V. daily. I developed a curiosity to see the working of a cement factory. I requested my elder brother to take me there. Fortunately my elder brother had a friend who was working as a chemist in that factory. We made necessary arrangements for our visit.
We went there. We were first shown the power house of the factory. It supplied electric power to all the departments of the factory. We went to the furnaces. They were very big. The power house was connected with a big canal to get water. On the other side of the power-house was an artificial tank. The power house was filling this tank with hot water.adamjeecoaching.blogspot.com I was simply amazed at the sight of all these.
Then we went to the place where the cement was actually made. There were big rollers. They were moving like the hands of great giants. The automatic machines were throwing stones and sand into them. They were ground down in those rollers and were mixed.
We were then shown tanks. The cement in the liquid form was stored in them. They were very huge. They were bigger then a two storeyed village house. The officer of the factory asked me to climb, up the top of the tanks. I saw the cement in liquid form. He told us that the samples of liquid cement, were taken to the chemist’s department. There the quality of the cement was tested.
The liquid cement was made to pass through the roller, which was surrounded by big furnaces. It passed through several stages. In these stages it was changed into smooth, soft dust like powder. From there we went to the place where the dry cement was stored. A machine was storing it. It was a big storage. We went up and saw the hot cement pouring into the storage from the mouth of some machine. The whole place was full of cement particles.
At last we came out of the factory. We looked at the whole factory from a distance. It was a work of human skill. It worked like a demon making cement for our houses, roads, dams and factories.