12 May 2014

A Walk Through The Country - English Essay

A Walk Through The Country

English Essay on "A Walk Through The Country"

Points: Introduction – Time and destination of walk – Morning scene – Towards the canal – Scenery on the way back home – Evening walk – Conclusion.
A walk in the country side is always joyful. We enjoy many things in big cities. But non of them gives peace to soul. We get tired of the noise. The comforts and luxuries fail to give us peace. The beautiful parks and pretty flowers cease to attract our attention.
Last year in the first week of February my brother and I went to a village. We are early risers. So we left our beds early in the morning and went for a walk.
We came out of the village. We found the nature gay. The air was pleasant and refreshing. Everything was quiet. But the birds were singing. The trees were proud of their spring beauty. The sky was clean. There was no cloud in it. Everything gave us a cheerful look.adamjeecoaching.blogspot.com
The beauties of the sky and the earth gave us great joy. The farther we went the happier we felt. After half an hour we reached the canal. Now the sun had begun to rise. Its golden rays lighted the sky. We spent half an hour on the bank. We enjoyed the dancing of waves. The current of water was flowing very fast. The restless waves were producing pleasant sound. The scene of the canal was very charming.
When we returned home, the scene of the nature was changed. The fields and the trees became of golden colour. The mustard yellow flowers presented a lovely scene. We met many kind of men. They were throwing rice and. flour before the ants. As we entered the village, we saw women returning from the wells. They had their pictures on their heads.
In the evening we went again for a walk. We found everything clam and quiet. The rays of the setting sun were touching the high branches of the trees. We saw people sitting beside the foot of trees. They were talking and enjoying their hukka. When the night fell, we returned home.
I shall never forget this walk because it gave peace to my mind. I am looking forward for the another chance to enjoy the natural scenes in the village.