Chemistry Notes XII [Hydrogen Chemistry] Chap # 02
Chemistry Notes XII, Second Year - from chapter Hydrogen ChemistryChemistry second year notes Covered topics - Resemblances i similarities with ia group, Differences i dissimilarities with ia group, Resemblances i similarities with iva group, Differences i dissimilarities with iva group, Resemblances i similarities with viia group, Differences i dissimilarities with viia group, Industrial / commercial preparation of Hydrogen, By the electrolysis of water, By steam and natural gas, Separation of hydrogen from water gas, By steam and meti-ianql process, By coke and steam, By thermal decomposition of methane, By thermal decomposition of ammonia, Nascent and atomic hydrogen, Nascent hydrogen, Binary compounds of hydrogen, Binary compounds, Hydrides, Classification of hydrides, Complex hydrides, Metallic hydrides, Polymeric hydrides, borderline hydride, Isotopes of hydrogen, Karachi board past examination papers 2005-2012