18 May 2014

Important Events since Independence

Important Events since Independence

General Knowledge - "Important Events since Independence - Fact About Pakistan"

1.1948Creation of State Bank of Pakistan (1st July)
1st war with India over Kashmir
India takes Kashmir issue to UNO (1st Jan)
Death of Quaid-e-Azam (11th Sept.)
2.1949Objective Resolutions
3.1951Martyrdom of Liaquat A. Khan (16th Oct.)
4.1954Pak. Signs (SEATO)
5.19561st constitution of Pakistan
6.19581st Martial Law of Pakistan
7.19622nd constitution of Pakistan
8.1965Run of Kuch War followed by Sept. War
9.1966Tashkent Accord
10.1967Capital Shifted to Islamabad
11.19692nd Martial Law of Pakistan
12.19701st General Elections in Pakistan (7th Dec.)
13.1971Indo Pak war
Fall of Dacca (16th Dec.)
14.1972Simla Accord
Pakistan pulls out of Commonwealth, SEATO, CENTO
15.19733rd Constitution of Pakistan
16.19742nd OIC meeting at Lahore
India Tests Nuclear Bomb
17.19772nd General Election in Pakistan
Martial Law imposed
18.1979Execution Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto 4th April
19.1984War over Siachen
20.1985Elections on non Party basis
21.19851st SAARC Conf. At Dacca
22.1988Death of Gen. Zia in a plane crash near Bahawalpur (17th Aug)
23.1992Pakistan wins Cricket World Cup
24.1998India tests nuclear bomb (13th May)
Pakistan tests Nuclear Bomb (28th May)
25.1999Lahore Declaration
War over Kargil
26.2001Agra Summit
Local Govt. Election
27.2002Gen Musharraf’s Referendum
LFO implemented