2 April 2014

English Essay - Our College Library

Our College Library

English Essay on "Our College Library"

Points: Location – Atmosphere – The Librarian – Description of books – Advantages of library – Conclusion.
Our college has a splendid library. It is located in a very big space in the remote corner of the college building. You may feel baffled by the neat and orderly array of books when you enter the library for the first time. There are several rooms in the library. A room is allotted to reference books. These books cannot be taken home. Students study them in the library and take notes from them. Another room is meant for the teachers. A fairly big reading room is attached to the library. It is always crowded. You find all leading newspapers, weeklies, periodicals and magazines in the reading room. In one corner of the big hall, you find catalogues of books. In another corner of the hall there is a counter where the library assistants issue books to the students on production of the library cards.adamjeecoaching.blogspot.com
A cosy atmosphere prevails in the library. A silence, which you are not accustomed to, prevails all around. Of course, a low humming sound comes from the reading room despite the repeated requests for perfect silence from the man in charge.
Mr. Idrees Siddique is the librarian of our college library. He has been working as a librarian for the last fifteen years. He is a fine gentleman with a pleasing nature. He is always ready to help a student in finding a book.
Our college library contains books of nearly all descriptions – literary, scientific, historical, biographical, political, religious, technical and social. Our college library also contains books on fiction, art, painting, music, etc. Our library contains, I am told, as many as fifteen thousand volumes.
The advantages we derive from our library are great and many. History books tell us of the past; geography tells us of other countries; books on astronomy, physiology, physics, chemistry and biology open our eyes to the beautiful and wonderful creations of God. Biographies of great men remind us that "we can make our lives sublime". Tales of travels, adventure and exploration fill our hearts with inspiration to wander abroad. Novels give us recreation in our leisure hours.
Our college library is a great boon. Life would be dull without it.