16 August 2013

Biology Mcqs XI [Chromosomes and Dna] Online Test 5

Biology Mcqs XII [Chromosomes and Dna] MCQS Online Test - 5

Biology Aptitude Test. 10 Questions from Chapter # 20 Chromosomes and Dna
Q1. Anticodons comprises of:
Q2. Codons comprises of:
Q3. Sequence of two bases per amino acid gives _____ possible combinations of bases.
Q4. Sequence of three bases per amino acid gives _____ possible combinations of bases.
Q5. “The tRNA possesses anticodon series for particular amino acid site and binds to mRNA”. This henomenon is known as:
Q6. Transcription is initiated by a special enzyme, called:
Q7. “One gene-one enzyme hypothesis” is proposed by:
Q8. The total genomic constitution of an individual is known as:
Q9. Darkest colour organelle present in a human cell is:
Q10. Chromosome is a bearer of hereditary characters in the form of:
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