17 August 2013

Biology Mcqs XI [Biotechnology] Online Test 2

Biology Mcqs XII [Biotechnology] MCQS Online Test - 2

Biology Aptitude Test. 10 Questions from Chapter # 23 Biotechnology
Q1. Each restriction enzyme cuts DNA at a specific site, called:
Q2. Now a days, insulin can be synthesized by genetically engineered bacteria:
Q3. An organic compound used to make a sweetener by some genetically engineered bacteria is:
Q4. The only plasmid for transgenic plant cells is:
Q5. The first transgenic fruit approved is:
Q6. To increase the CO2 fixation property, molecular scientists are working to enhance the efficiency of:
Q7. Human lactoferrin is a protein that is inolved in _______ transport and has antibacterial activity.
Q8. The synthesis of complementary DNA (cDNA) on mRNA template is the:
Q9. In Eukaryotic gene cloning, the synthesis of cDNA on mRNA template is being catalyzed by an enzyme:
Q10. In Eukaryotic gene cloning, the synthesis of cDNA on mRNA is catalyzed by “Reverse transcriptase” obtained from:
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