5 May 2013

Physics Karachi Board XI [Scope of Physics] Online Test - 1

Physics Karachi Board XI [Scope of Physics] MCQS Online Test - 01

Physics Aptitude Test. 10 Questions from Chapter 01 Scope of Physics.
Q1.The relationship between the mater and energy is studied under.
Q2. The units of physical quantities accepted all over the world is.
Q3. There are ____________ basic quantities in S.I. unit system.
Q4. The significant figure in 30200 is
Q5. The significant figure in 0.00203090
Q6. The significant figure in 2390500
Q7. The significant figure in 500000
Q8. The significant figure in 2000.00
Q9. Electromagnetic wave theory of light as proposed by
Q10. The only Pakistani Scientist (Physicist) who received Nobel Prize in physics is
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