Beautiful Hands - Summary and Central Idea - English 10th
Summary and Central Idea from Chapter No 10 "Beautiful Hands" for class 10th, X, Matric Class
The poetess pays rich compliments to her mother. She praises the beauty of her mother’s hands, though these hands are wrinkled and not beautiful physically, yet they are sacred, sweet and dear to her. When she was a child these hands worked hard to comfort her and to make her happy. These hands are now old and weak time is coming near. When her mother will depart from this world but in the life hereafter every thing will become bright beautiful and young again. The poet hopes to embrace her mother’s hands there.
Central Idea
Mothers keep on working for their children with their hands. Their hands become weak and wrinkled with the passage of time. However, the poet appreciates those hands as most beautiful to her.