
8 August 2014

English Essay - The Pakistani Beggar

The Pakistani Beggar

English Essay on "The Pakistani Beggar"

Points The Pakistani beggar – Two classes of beggars – The able bodies and the cripples – The Pakistani beggar on object of pity – A miserable creature.
The Pakistani beggar is very persistent. Wherever you go he is sure to follow you. You stop to talk to a friend for a minute, and he is there. You go to a shop to inquire the price of an article, and he is there too. There is no escape from him. He does not leave us in peace even in our houses. He comes there to ask for alms. Beggars are found in temples and in mosques alike. In fact he has become a great nuisance to the people. The question is how to get rid of him.
Broadly speaking, there are two classes of beggars the able-bodied and the infirm and crippled. It is really very disgusting to see strong sturdy men taking to beggary and living on the charity of the people. They are parasites and a curse to the community to which they belong. They do not deserve any charity.
We should rather help the weak and the crippled. It is they who deserve our help. Indiscriminate charity does good neither to the man who gives, nor to the man who receives.
It may, however, be pointed out that the Pakistani beggar, on the whole, is an object of pity. He has no means of earning his livelihood. He goes about clad in rags, and has no friend in the world. He lives by begging alms from others, which is not a very pleasant thing. There are very few people who receive him well, when he goes to them for They turn him away, and look upon him as an imposition or a cheat. It is only women who show some mercy to him. They think it an act of piety to do something for the poor beggar. Sometimes they give him a pice, sometimes a crust of bread and sometimes a rag to cover his nakedness.
On the whole, the Pakistan beggar is a miserable creature. In winter he has nothing to protect himself against the cold, and in summer he is tortured by the heat. He lives where he can and sleeps very often on the roadside. It is, therefore, very necessary to be kind to the poor beggar, provided he is not able to work for himself. We should always give him something whenever we can, as it is better that ten lazy scoundrels should get a little money rather than one case of genuine distress go unrelieved.

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