
7 June 2013

English Essay - The Process of Islamization in Pakistan

English Essay [The Process of Islamization in Pakistan]

English Essay on The Process of Islamization in Pakistan 200 to 300 Words

The Process of Islamization in Pakistan

It is an Indisputable historical fact that the Muslims of the sub-continent believed strongly. That they are a distinct and separate people. This distinct feature of the Muslims is faith in one God and the belief in the teachings of Islam as conveyed to us by the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him). In Islamic society, every individual is equal without distinction of caste, creed or colour and has the same rights and status as any other citizen. The struggle for Pakistan was thus, in fact, a fight to maintain our separate identity, and to develop the Islamic values which form the basis of our own identity. Allama Iqbal in his famous speech at the Allahabad Session of All India Muslim League in 1930 strongly advocated the creation of an Islamic state in order to maintain the separate identity of the Muslims of the sub-continent. The Quaid-e-Azam also repeatedly emphasized this Legal basis of Pakistan both during the Pakistan Movement and after its creation. In one of his speeches the Quaid said “The Muslims demand Pakistan, where they can rule in accordance with their own system of life, their cultural development, their traditions and Islamic law”.
After the establishment of Pakistan, the process of Islamisation was slow. It was in March 1949, the first step was taken by passing the “Objective Resolution”. It reflects the historical legacy of the Muslims and sets forth the ‘national objectives’. The Resolution declares that sovereignty belongs to Allah and that the people of Pakistan shah exercise their authority and rights within the limits prescribed by the Quran and Sunnah. The Islamic principles of democracy, liberty, equality and social justice shall prevail. The task was finally completed in 1956 when the first constitution was enacted.
The Constitution of 1962 passed by General Ayub Khan took no practical steps to enforce Islamic Iaw in public life, or to establish an Islamic society. To embark upon the process of Islamisation Ayub Khan established two organization: ‘The Central Islamic Research institute” and “The Advisory Council of Islamic Ideology. “The Islamic Research Institute was to undertake study and research work, while the Council was to make recommendations to the Central and Provincial Governments. But the pace of their work was very slow.
The Constitution of 1973 provides for the protection, propagation and enforcement of Islamic ideology. Pakistan has been named ‘Islamic Republic of Pakistan’. This Constitution, for the first time, has declared Islam.’ the State Religion”. It forbids making of any law contrary to the principles of lslam. If there is any such law, it should be amended to conform, to the principles of lslam.
A movement for the enforcement of Islamic laws, called the “Tehrik-e-Nizam-e-Mustafa” was launched in 1977. It was demanded through protests and public demonstrations that the laws of the country should be brought in conformity With the Islamic Shariat. The Government accepted some of the demands relating to social evils: drinking and horse racing were banned, while Friday was declared the weekly holiday.
The military regime, which took over the Government in I977, in its very first broadcast assured the nation that Islamic laws would be enforced. A significant beginning was made in February 1979 when Islamic Hadood laws relating to crime and punishment were enforced. A Shariat Faculty was established. Shariat Courts were set up. The payment of Zakat and Ushr was made compulsory. To abolish interest participation on a profit and loss basic has been introduced in the banks. Suitable measures have been taken to bring in accord with Islamic values.
We are marching to Wards the establishment of a truly Islamic society. The present government is committed to enforcing Islamic laws in the country.